Ancient Taoism in Contemporary

Management Training & Martial Art


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Sabbatical leave and travel information.
Sabbatical leave and travel information.
Sabbatical leave and travel information.
Sabbatical leave and travel information.


Sabbatical leave and travel information. 

If you a plan Sabbatical leave MartriX team will get you the feeling!

Sabbatical year: A year during which land remained crop-free, observed every seven years by the ancient Jews. 

A leave of absence, often with pay, usually granted, for travel, research, or rest. 

Question marks!

Why you should consider disrupting your well-ordered life?

What will you, your company or institution gain?


Given the freedom to explore in new and different environments, most will make wonderful transformations. From our experience, staying 93 days in different cultures gets you out of your comfort zone and into a whole new mode of experimentation. 

Top managers and leaders, well known for their action-orientation, may resist the concept of rest or inactivity. But taking guidance from the principle that "a change is as good as a rest," a sabbatical leave can more properly be viewed as the professional equivalent to crop rotation. Both provide unique opportunities for generating more vigorous growth in the next cycle. And in many instances the post-sabbatical "crop" represents quite a striking departure from what was there before.

Your profits of our Sabbatical Leave

We offer more then twenty five years experience in budget traveling and martial art training in Asia combined with high impact management training and intuitive coaching. The diverse blend of ancient martial arts, body - mind work, Taoist psychology, cultural education, therapeutic experiences, inner healing, and spirituality provides a dynamic and innovative opportunity for personal growth and renewal. Our Sabbatical Leave provides you a unique program design of personal and professional growth opportunities that envelopes a whole person approach for growth, healing and renewal. 

Sabbatical leave and travel information.
Sabbatical leave and travel information.
Sabbatical leave and travel information.
Sabbatical leave and travel information.

Photographs: Ron Nansink

Making It Work

Here are some pointers for having a successful sabbatical.

· Those of you who are brave enough to venture into the non-English speaking world should recognize that language skills will dramatically influence your experience, so you should try to allocate time for learning some survival phrases. 

· Plan way ahead because it will take much more time than you think to make the necessary arrangements. 

· Do your homework on how things work in the cultures to visit. Reading books and surfing the internet still proves invaluable for a wide range of future interactions, from getting the right information during training to getting your favorite food in restaurants. 

· Think carefully about how you want to interact with your fellow members of the workshop. Because they will be as uncertain as you are about the proper relationship and expectations, it may be up to you to design something that will work for everyone.

· Be flexible, and have fun. You will be surprised on a daily basis by your sabbatical life, so you might as well learn to enjoy the unexpected. 

· Be prepared for the final surprise. The culture shock on your return may well be greater than anything you experienced during your sabbatical! This will demonstrate how much you have changed.

In 1975 just before I left for a seven month training period in Japan a friend told me: ‘You will be surprised when you come back how the people have changed who didn't change at all, and he was right I still remember the cultural shock.‘

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Last modified 

April 2024

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