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Ancient Taoism in Contemporary

Management Training & Martial Art

Ancient Taoism in Contemporary

Management Training & Martial Art

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Intuitive Coaching Transforms Lives

The Alchemy of Human Potential: How Intuitive Coaching Transforms Lives

We’ve all experienced it: in the company of certain people, we become creative dynamos, brimming with ideas and enthusiasm. With others, we retreat into ourselves, our brilliance dimmed, reduced to awkward silences and stifled thoughts. It’s as if our very essence morphs depending on who we’re with—creative stars one moment, shutdown dorks the next.

What if we could harness this phenomenon? What if we could consistently access that reservoir of untapped potential, regardless of our surroundings? Enter intuitive coaching—a transformative approach that melds ancient wisdom with modern psychology to unlock the hidden facets of our being.

Beyond the Surface: Tapping into the Unseen

Traditional coaching often focuses on setting goals, developing skills, and altering behaviors. But intuitive coaching delves deeper, venturing into the realm of the unconscious and the unarticulated. It's about navigating the subtle energies that flow between individuals—the unspoken words, the fleeting emotions, the intangible vibes that shape our interactions.

This "subtle body" of interaction is where meaning is crafted and relationships are forged. It's the space where innovation sparks and ideas coalesce. By becoming attuned to this level of communication, we can transform our relationships from hierarchical power dynamics into mutual respect and collaboration.

The Space Between: Where Creation Happens

Think about the most productive brainstorming session you've ever had. Chances are, it wasn't just about the ideas themselves but about the energy in the room—the synergy between participants, the openness to possibility, the collective willingness to explore the unknown. This is the power of the space between people, the fertile ground where creativity thrives.

Intuitive coaching trains us to be mindful of this space. It teaches us to recognize and nurture the external fields that hold what some call the "mad parts of sane people"—the wild ideas, the unconventional thoughts, the flashes of genius that conventional approaches often overlook or suppress.

Taoist Alchemy: Transformation Over Transaction

To navigate this complex terrain, intuitive coaching draws inspiration from Taoist alchemy. Unlike Western notions of alchemy that focus on transmuting base metals into gold, Taoist alchemy emphasizes internal transformation—the cultivation of one's vital energies to achieve harmony and enlightenment.

This ancient philosophy prioritizes transformation over cause-and-effect reasoning. It's less about "If I do X, I'll get Y," and more about embracing the journey of self-discovery and growth. By applying these principles, intuitive coaching helps individuals transcend conscious and unconscious barriers, turning obstacles into opportunities for profound personal development.

Rewriting Our Inner Code

In the tech world, when software doesn't perform as expected, we debug it—we look for errors in the code that need fixing. What if we applied the same logic to ourselves? Our beliefs, habits, and thought patterns are like mental code. Some of it runs smoothly; some of it contains glitches that hold us back.

Intuitive coaching acts as a personal debugger. Through one-on-one sessions, coaches trained in both modern techniques and ancient practices help clients identify and rewrite the faulty code in their mental operating systems. This isn't about quick fixes or surface-level adjustments. It's a deep dive into the core of who we are and who we aspire to be.

The Journey Ahead: What to Expect

Embarking on this path requires commitment and openness. The coaching process typically involves half-day sessions tailored to individual schedules. Coaches with backgrounds in martial arts and advanced personal development techniques guide clients through exercises designed to reveal hidden potentials and dismantle limiting beliefs.

Participants can expect to gain:

Enhanced Performance: By unlocking new levels of creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Reduced Stress: Through better understanding of internal and external stressors and how to manage them.

Improved Relationships: By learning to navigate the subtle dynamics between people more effectively.

Increased Choices: By expanding one's perspective and recognizing previously unseen options.

Who Stands to Gain?

While the benefits of intuitive coaching are universal, it's particularly impactful for:

Executives and Leaders: Who need to inspire teams, drive innovation, and navigate complex organizational dynamics.

Employees Feeling Stuck: Those who sense they've hit a plateau and are seeking new ways to grow professionally.

Anyone Seeking Transformation: Individuals who feel unmotivated or disconnected from their goals and aspirations.

In a world that's increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous—what some call the VUCA environment—the ability to adapt and transform is not just advantageous; it's essential. Intuitive coaching offers a pathway to not only survive in such an environment but to thrive.

Embracing the Future

As technology continues to evolve at breakneck speed, the human element remains crucial. Machines may process data faster than we ever could, but creativity, empathy, and the capacity for deep connection are inherently human traits that cannot be replicated.

By investing in our personal development through intuitive coaching, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate the future confidently. We become the alchemists of our own lives, transforming challenges into catalysts for growth, and ordinary interactions into extraordinary opportunities.

So the next time you find yourself dimming your light in someone else's presence, remember: within you lies an untapped well of potential waiting to be unleashed. All it takes is the willingness to delve into the subtle spaces between, to embrace transformation over transaction, and to rewrite your inner code for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Personal Coaching - Price List

1 person: €75 per hour

2 people: €50 per person per hour

3 people: €40 per person per hour

4 people: €37.50 per person per hour

Note: 21% tax added for corporate participants. 

Pre-paid set of 10 sessions valid for 3 months. 

Specials and extended coaching or coaching for companies - price on request!

One hour Personal Training for set of 10 sessions*:

1 pers. á € 700,-

2 pers. á € 450,- p.p.

3 pers. á € 360,- p.p.

4 pers. á € 350,- p.p.

Don’t hesitate to contact us! coaching@martrix.org

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Last modified 

October 2024



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