Ancient Taoism in Contemporary

Management Training & Martial Art


Get your feeling working!

Collaborating in the creative vacuum.




To the extent that we can only think scientifically, we have no physical sense with which to perceive the creative vacuum.

In a sense, this imperceptible vacuum forms the invisible matter of our terrestrial matrix, preventing us from seeing our way out until our time is up. At least not until we develop The Feel, an inner way of perceiving that requires purification and strength.

The intuitive consciousness is linked to our spiritual development, the understanding of reality lies in the mystical experience within and outside of our Self. Our Self is the deepest reality of our soul, our main working intuitive force within us, the hub around which everything revolves. So the best anyone can understand is that under the law of Karma (action/reaction) we are all shareholders or co-creators, both co-constructive and co-destructive. We are all an integral part of the mechanism by which our physical universe is creative. We all create our earthly consciousness matrix. For most of us, our emotions control our rationality and we spend a large part of our lives fighting between our outer and inner selves. Emotion,

Our emotions are extremely closely linked to our bodily functions. We know this from the effects of stress in terms of fragile health, as well as the more obvious things we do or say under the influence of our emotions. In fact, the word emotion means "to move out." And that is exactly what happens.

The mind moves from the center of intuition in the forehead.

Losing the intuitive awareness, the mind loses the TheFeel, the communication with the subtle energies of our inner and outer cohesion and thus the dialogue with nature. When man wants to understand the nature of the world, he usually looks in the wrong direction for answers.

We ask our own intellectual minds to provide the answers, yet we fail to ask nature itself. The problem is that we don't really know how to ask the question at all, we miss TheFeel. We fail to see how by quieting our minds and being one with nature, we will slowly reveal her secrets to us. It is in the stillness of a meditative state of mind that intuitive awareness and insight arise.

Our fragmented human mind, with the complexities of unconscious thoughts and emotional processes, is our worst enemy. The desire to understand intellectual knowledge with which to impress our fellow man ultimately prevents us from finding any understanding of nature. The human mind, however, is so enslaved by the physical senses that TheFeel, our intuitive attention/power, runs away from the center within ourselves and becomes absorbed in the game of human virtual reality, never realizing that they themselves are the projector of the film is and consciousness is matrix.

The further we travel inwards, the more clearly relationships reveal themselves to us and we turn out to be designers from the creative vacuum.

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Text: Ron Nansink

Last modified 

April 2024

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